The surgery will be closed on Monday 17th March 2025. In an EMERGENCY, PLEASE RING DALRIADA URGENT CARE ON: 028 2566 3500.
IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND AN APPOINTMENT, PLEASE LET US KNOW. In February 2025 there were 19 GP appointments and 79 treatment room/clinic appointments which were not kept by patients. The missed appointments with our nurses amounted to 15 hours and 10 minutes!
SHINGLES VACCINES: This is not a seasonal vaccination programme, so we will contact eligible patients when we are in a position to offer this vaccine.
When requesting prescriptions, please remember that the surgery is closed weekends and Bank/Public holidays, therefore requests for repeat prescriptions will not be actioned until we re-open. You should allow at least 2 working days for processing of weekend requests, and up to 3 working days for requests made when the surgery is closed for longer than the weekend.
We have a Physiotherapist, Mental Health Practitioner and a Social Worker based in the practice who may be a first point of contact for patients.
The Department of Health has developed a “My Waiting Times NI” webpage. This is an information webpage hosted on the HSC website:
Patients in Northern Ireland can access the current average waiting times for outpatient assessments for elective care services within each Trust. The webpage will be updated every month to ensure that users have access to timely, standardised waiting time information. FAQs have also been developed and linked on the webpage to improve the users’ experience and understanding of the information provided.
We have recently implemented some changes in the way the practice operates. Between 9am and 2pm daily (with the exception of Wednesday which will be 9am - 11.30am),we will deal with requests for routine appointments and patient enquiries. After this time we will only be accepting emergency calls, calls from other Healthcare Professionals, and providing test results.
Did you know if you are registered for online services, you can request repeat prescriptions AND book GP appointments through our website? Contact reception for further details.
We have introduced a text messaging service to contact patients, message will state "from your GP surgery". If you do NOT want us to contact you by this method, please contact reception.